Our Research
The science of relationships
The SoAR lab aims to gain insight into the processes that govern the functioning of close relationships and their outcomes. Using both established and cutting-edge methodological approaches, our research examines a wide variety of contexts including important life events, transitions and emerging social issues that can impact on relationships.
We are a collaborative group of researchers with interests that reflect the broad diversity of close relationships in contemporary society. We aim to bridge the gap between science and practice by making our research not only accessible to academics, but also therapeutic communities and the general public.
Our research is guided by widely-studied theoretical approaches in the relationship sciences, including:
attachment theory
ideal standards model
interdependence theory
transactional models of stress-coping
models of diathesis-stress and stress-buffering.
Our research
More recently, we have extended our theoretical lens to include models of approach-avoidance motivation and models of dehumanisation. We have also advanced our own theoretical models in relationship functioning and relationship acceptance.
While we integrate various theoretical approaches within our different areas of research, much of our research is framed from an attachment theory perspective. Attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969/1982) is a theory of human bonding that was developed to explain how infants and young children adjusted to prolonged separation from, or the loss of, a primary caregiver (often their mother).
Since then, attachment theory has been applied to the study of many different types of close relationships and has become one of the most widely applied theories to the study of adult relationships (Gillath, Karantzas, & Fraley, 2016). To this end, attachment theory serves as a rich framework in which to scientifically study adult relationships.
Current studies
If you’d like to participate in one of our studies or if you’d like to learn more about what we are currently working on, click through to our current studies page.